Sunday, March 25, 2012

7 Statements From the Cross - Statement 6

"Father, into your hands I commit my spirit" (see Luke 23:44-49)
Jesus came into the world with an Angelic choir.  He was born, not at the Ritz Carlton, but in a humble and meager place.  He is now about to leave the earth quite different than how He came.  It looks like He is not only humiliated and defeated but now He is about to die.  After all, how dare He defy the rulers and Priests of the day?  How dare He upset the status quo?  Who did He think He was?  Pontius Pilate placed the inscriptions above His head that stated exactly Who He was. Yet, those were only words and this “man” is dying.  Possibly, the crowd saw a defeated man.  Possibly, His followers saw the end of this new “Way” and a Rabbi that was wrong.  Possibly, Mary saw the death of her first born.  What could be going through their minds?  What do you think about when you reflect on the “COST” that Jesus bore for us?
In truth, those people were witnesses to witness “Act 1” so to speak.  Jesus repeatedly told them this event had to happen in order for God to be glorified.  I image I would have felt the same as His family, friends and followers felt.  You and I have the privilege to, as some writers say, flash forward on the story.  We read the book but they were living it.  
Jesus showed obedience to God even while on the cross. Think about this for a second.  Our Lord was beaten and scourged and didn’t complain.  He was talked about and disrespected by the thief and people in the area. It should assure you that you have a Savior who loves us dearly.  

Jesus has now relinquished His spirit.  He is about to die for our sins.  He said, "into your hands I commit my spirit."  Jesus stayed obedient to God.  He stuck to the plan despite the heart ache and pain. In a sense, Jesus was saying, “Father, it’s now time to take this to the next level.  You will be glorified even more after I am resurrected in three days.”
It is debatable whether this statement was His six or seventh one.  Remember, we’ll go more in detail about the statements in our bible study.  For this internet study, we are seeing how the words apply to us.
As we wrap up, remember a few things.  First, Jesus was not thinking defeat. Nor, was He admitting defeat.  No, our King of Kings was about to take the sins of the worlds upon Himself.  Defeated individuals don’t look for another challenge. They run from it.  Jesus ran towards the challenge.  Second, Jesus was being obedient to God.  He was nearing the finish of this earthly mission.  Jesus was about to, in a word, kill or defeat death.
Last observation, it was an unbeliever who made the comment “Truly this man was the Son of God.” (Mark 15:37 NASB)  Can an unbeliever tell you are a Christian or do you act, talk and think like them?
This week, commit yourself unto God.  Be obedient to Him and Glorify Him through your work ethics this week.  Let your co-workers, family members or neighbors see you being the Christian you’re called to be.  Prayerfully, when they see you...they’ll see Christ.  Also, spend some time in prayer and bible study.  You’ll see more of the One whom we love and serve.
Bless you

7 Statements From the Cross - Statement 5

"I thirst" (see John 19:28-29)
Jesus, The Living Water, says, “I thirst.”  He has been beaten, flogged and crucified.  The Gospel writers did not mention Him wanting anything throughout this ordeal.  Personally, I’m amazed that He would have the strength to say anything after enduring all that torture.     

In this short article (as well as the entire 7-series) I want to illustrate what Jesus endured.  Jesus has helped countless people.  Now, with His hands nailed to the cross, He needed someone to assist Him.  My mind races to, “He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities. (Isaiah 53:5).  When we look to and at the cross...remember His blood was soaked on those wooden limbs for our sins.  Let’s "thirst" for the righteousness of God.  Be blessed and stay thirsty for our Lord

Sunday, March 18, 2012

7 Statements From the Cross - Statement 4

"My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?" (see Matthew 27:45-50)

I’ve heard many people say that Jesus was praying to God when He says these words.  Then this is certainly a true statement if you take the stance that speaking to God is prayer.  Conversely, you’re equally correct if you take the stance that yelling out to God is simply communicating to Him.  I’m not certain which way Jesus was talking to God.  What I do know is this, at a time when He was hurting...He reached out to our Father.  This is an object lesson to us all.  It shows us that no matter where we are, God is there with us.  It is true that God was silent.  It is also true, this was one of the most pivotal moments in the annals of time.  For this study, our focus is on knowing Jesus took on our sins despite not being guilty of anything.  

God said that He was “well pleased” (depending on your bible version) with Jesus at least two times in the New Testament.  At this moment, God and Jesus were separated.  Let’s recap Jesus’ past few hours.  He was arrested in Gethsemane, His followers abandoned Him, He was falsely accused, He was beaten and humiliated,  He had to carry a cross (a symbol of death), then He was crucified on that cross, one of the fellow prisoner is mocking Him while on the cross and people were also mocking Him.  Now, after all of that...for the first time, Jesus is all alone.  Remember He prayed so hard in Gethsemane that His sweat was “like drops of blood.”  Despite all of those hardships, He took all the sin onto Himself for you and I.  Jesus carried away our sins on that rugged cross on Calvary.  
This week, try to remember His sacrifice.  Think about the things Jesus gave up to be here on earth with us.  Think about the pain He endured.  Ask God what do you need to forgive and forget this week.  Jesus dealt with all those issues for us without “a mumbling word.”  Many of us are ready to “lose our religion” if someone looks at us wrong or cuts in front of us in the grocery store line.  Lets be like Jesus.  Lets remember God has not forsaken us.  Lets remember Jesus knew His destiny and those things had to take place and He went through it for us.  Whatever God has set before you, go forward in the peace and understanding God has set it up for your good and His glory.
We should be thankful we have such a loving Lord God and Savior.


Sunday, March 4, 2012

7 Statements From the Cross - Statement 3

"He said to His mother, 'Dear woman, here is your son,' and to the disciple, 'Here is your mother'" (see John 19:26-27)

In the first two statements Jesus was still ministering to the people.  He clearly displayed his deity.  Now, Jesus takes care of His mother.  What could be going through Mary’s mind?  Years earlier she received an angelic visit.  Mary was told she would be the vessel from which the Savior of the world would be housed, for a lack of a better term.  Now, her first born is on a cross and nearing death.  Despite His condition, He was concerned with her present and future condition.  We should take comfort in knowing that Christ is always looking out for us.  John, although now an adult and seasoned Apostle, has been adopted into Jesus’ family.  He wanted John to take care of His mother.  
Who can you take care of this week?  Is it through prayer?  Is it through a phone call?  Is it through the repairing of a fractured relationship?  Ask our Father to show you which direction you should go this week.  Also, if you have a parent...remember one key thing.  You are growing older and are they.  Take time to show them love today.  Give them their flowers while they live.
Don't forget to review the previous statements.  Please remember we're looking at each statement from Ash Wednesday until Easter.

Women At The Cross

John 19:25
Matthew 27:56
Mark 15:41
Mary, Jesus’ mother

Mary Magdalene
Mary Magdalene
Mary Magdalene
Mary, the wife of Clopas and Jesus’ Aunt
Mary, James and Joseph’s mother
Mary, James and Joseph’s mother

Mary, the mother of the sons of Zebedee
